Rewarding CKAD Prep

Chamil Elladeniya
3 min readSep 25, 2021


Recently I took the CKAD exam, hence thought to share the experience as it was quite rewarding.

Photo by on Unsplash

Udemy CKAD with tests Course covers all the topic to the point along with practice tests. Once the syllabus is covered, take the Lightening labs and try to finish it within 30 mins as suggested.

If you find it difficult and ran out of time, don’t panic. There is an awesome git repo to practice the commands and tasks to grow yourself adequately to face the exam.

Once you practice these commands 1 or 2 times, you regain the lost confidence. Afterwards, try the mock exam of aforementioned udemy course and you’ll feel relieved.

Once you purchased the exam, Killer sh (kubernetes exam simulator) provides two free session to get the real exam experience. Once you activated the session you can access the environment for 36 hours. Clock starts ticking for 2 hour with 20 questions as soon as you activated the session. Try to completed questions as much as possible. Those questions are quite hard. Real exam questions are much easier. Again don’t panic. Once the 2 hours is over, you can access the score and answers. Go through the answers and gather tips and tricks. Relearn missing/doubtful sections.

Time plays a critical role in the exam. Hence the followings,

Use imperative commands as much as possible

Kubectl expose deployment ingress-controller --name ingress --port 80 --target-port 80 --type NodePort --dry-run=client -o yaml > ingress-con.yaml

Use aliases

alias k=kubectl

To set the namespace (kn venus)
alias kn=”kubectl config set-context — current — namespace “

To get the current context
alias cc=’kubectl config current-context’

To get the current namespace
alias cn=’kubectl config view — minify | grep -i namespace’

Export import flags

export do=” — dry-run=client -o yaml”
export fg=” — force — grace-period=0”

Vim shortcuts

export following to the vimrc. Make sure you remember following as you cannot refer anything other than k8s docs/repo

nu helps to number the editor, so do : + 12 to goto line no 12
shiftwidth was needed to indent the content when you copy from doc to editor. Once pasted content from
k8s docs, mark multiple lines using Shift v and the up/down keys. To then indent the marked lines press > or < and to repeat the action press .

Explain command

You can access the k8s object definition using kubectl explain command and it’s useful when you forget where to place a certain field.

kubectl explain <resource name> — recursive | less

Bookmark useful code snippets

During the exam, you can open one tab in addition to the exam tab in your browser. Since you can only access k8s doc, better to bookmark the exact sample locations. This could be useful for objects which does not get created through imperative commands such as Volumes, Network policies

Once prepared sufficiently, schedule the exam and crack it.
Good luck!!



Chamil Elladeniya
Chamil Elladeniya

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